Support untuk Yii 1 sudah berakhir

Setelah sukses dengan pengembangan Framework Yii 2, akhirnya Official Yii sudah menghentikan support untuk Framework Yii 1 nya. Akhir tahun 2016 adalah tahun terakhir dimana official yii masih men-support untuk security issues-nya. Dan sekarang Yii 1 sudah benar-benar tidak ada support lagi dari official.

Namun walaupun begitu, source framework Yii 1 masih bisa didownload secara gratis. Sehingga bagi siapapun yang sudah dan ingin mencoba membuat project dengan Yii 1 masih men-download source-nya di situs resmi Yii Framework. Dan berikut kutipan pengumuman dari official Yii Framework.

"Yii 1.1 support was originally announced as "Dec 31, 2015 (may be extended further if needed)". In March we've conducted a survey and since December is close, it's time to officially announce our decision.
Yii 2.0 has been a great success and even though there are still a lot of projects using Yii 1.1 we have to make a decision as our resources are limited. We have been focusing on Yii 2.0 development in the past year and there was not much activity for Yii 1.1.
We have now decided to not accept any features or enhancements for Yii 1.1 anymore. We'll close feature request tickets and related pull requests soon. As we also obviously do not have enough time to fix all the reported bugs ourselves we will review the open tickets and only keep the critical ones open. Most of bugs are open for such a long time that probably affected projects had already implemented workarounds anyway.
So here is the timeline: Yii 1.1 will receive critical bugfixes and PHP 7 compatibility fixes till the end of 2016. After that we will only respond to and fix security issues if any will be found until at least the end of 2018. Even after security support has ended, all the code and documentation will be still available.
If you have any questions or concerns about this, feel free to get in touch with us."

Selamat Jalan Yii 1, Terima kasih atas ilmu dan manfaatnya selama ini.

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